Reservations Flight Simulators

Flight Simulators call for a free offer that you can deposit directly at the museum. The money will go to the volunteers that every day put effort in making virtual flight enjoyable and satisfying, it will be used to maintain and upgrade the flight simulators area.
Minimum age: 12.
Cockpit Standard (Difficulty: Basic)
Airplane simulator with simplified flight parameters, best suited for someone who has minimal experience.
Difficulty: 3/5
Cockpit Standard (Difficulty: Advanced)
Airplane simulator with realistic flight parameters, ideal for experienced virtual pilots.
Difficulty: 4/5
Cockpit Pro
Flight simulator reproducing the Frecce Tricolore aircraft MB339. Total realism for the most expert pilots.
Difficulty: 5/5
Cockpit Helicopter
Take a sit inside an A139 helicopter, with dual controls and panoramic screen. Your choice if you love helicopters.
Difficulty: 5/5

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kids & family
Simulator area
Pic-Nic Area

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